Monday 4 April 2011

Google AdSence


Many of you know the " Google AdSence programme ". I am here providing you all informations about tha "Google AdSence Programme". It is very much important to know this programme specially if you have a website or a blog and you have written a lot of informations on your website that is useful to the visitors of your website and you want to earn a lot of money from your website or blog. You will read Much thing about this programme, how to be get selected in this programme, how much earning does this programme provides and a lot of things about this programme. Now read very much carefully :-

This Google AdSence programme is a free programme for every people who have a website or a blog, This programme provide us a lot of earning by displaying the ads on our website that is given by " Google AdSence " . Don't think that geting selected and earning money through Google AdSence is a easy task. There are a long list of things that are necessary to be get selected in this programme you will also read about those long list below. The Google AdSence is the most popular programme for publishing the ads on our website, and it also gives us the high level ads with more revenue. The Google AdSence has a lot of Ads of other website that they give us to display in the form of HTML codes and we have to paste the codes in our HTML web editor. You can only participate in this programme if you have a HTML web editor in your website. Selecting in this programme is very difficult, but you will make it by reading below. I have provided all informations here that can make your website or blog to be get selected in the free Google AdSence Programme.


Here are a lot of benifits with Google AdSence ads on our website. One of the great advantage with "Google AdSence is that this programme is free for every people. The google adsence Ads compleate the incompleate needs of our website. The Google AdSence place the ads on our website according to the contents of our website, For example if you have written ifrormations about the learning of HTML then the Google AdSence can place the Ads of the other website that contains the learning of HTML like they can display the ads for which give a learning about the HTML and it can only be displayed if the has been sign up for the "Google AdWord Programme", The "Google AdWord Programme" is a nice programme which displayes your website as as ad on an other website to increase the traffic of your website. So if the visitor of your website needs some other information about that article then the "Google AdSence" can help your visitor and it will also increase your income here three are inprofit the visitor of your website, the website owner and the website that has been displays as an add on your website. So now you can think how much wonderful is the Google AdSence Programme. Not only this the Google AdSence programme also make our website to look beautiful it has a lot of ads which is displayed on our website and the ads of google AdSence is some time in graphic snap, 3d snap, moving snap, or in written text. These all make our website to look more beautiful and attractive. Now you can think how much the "Google AdSence programme" is use full.


There are a lot of requirements for selecting a website or a blog in Google AdSence. As we know that thr Google AdSence gives us a lot of ads on our website with a lot of income to us. This income can only be generated when the traffic of your website will increase and the visitors of your website will click on the ads given by the Google AdSence. So as many visitors visit your website your income will increase according to that. Now if you want to be get selected for Google AdSence then your website or blog must contain a lot of contents written by you, that may help your visitors very much. Below I have listed some ways, to which your website or blog must comply:-

1. You website or blog does not contains any contents related to hacking. It is the policy of Google AdSence that if your website contains the informations about the HACKING then the Google AdSence will not display any ads on your website or blog. It can only happen if your website has a lot of informations about the other things and some info about the hacking then your website or blog may get selected in Google AdSence. So be careful if you want to select your website or blog for "Google AdSence Programme"

2. You must write all contents of your website or blog with your self. Do don't have to copy any of the contents from anywhere to be get selected in Google AdSence. I Have seen many people who are very much lazy, they copy the contents of other website and paste it on their own website. They thing the Google AdSence will select their website or blog, but this doesn't happen the Google AdSence find those fake website or blog and reject it from the programme. So my advice to you is that create your own ideas to write the web content of your website so the Google AdSence will Select your website or blog and you can start easily for earning money.

3. Your website also must comply with Google Webmaster Tools. If you want to know about the Google webmaster tools then you can visit here

4. You website of blog also should not contains the ADULT contents. Because the Google AdSence does not place ads on such website which contains adult contents. So this time you have to be very much careful if you want to make your website to be get selected in Google AdSence.

5. I have listen some where that in the countries like India and china the Google AdSence programme only select the website which has been already published for 6 months. For example if you want to make your website select in Google AdSence on 'September , 2010' Then you website should have published in the ' March , 2010. I am not shure about this because my friend says that he has a blogger blog which has not been published for totaly 6 months and that have been selected in Google AdSence. It may also happen he is telling lie to me. Anyway write original contents on your website or blog. If your contents are original and writen by you and liked by the Google AdSence then they will Select your website or blog.

6. The website yu are going to sumbit for Google AdSence should be top level domain like - / . You can not sumbit your website or blog which contain slash between the domain name for example - . Now I think you have understand that which type of domain name you should have to make your website or blog.

7. I have read it somewhere readed on a website that Google AdSence only select such website or blog. That have more than 40 hits per day. I am not shure for it because i have seen many blogger blogs hwo have just 10 total visits from the starting of that blog and that blog has been selected for Google AdSence.

8. If you are trying AdSence for yourwebsite then there must be 10 - 15  pages to your website and if you want to select your blog in Google AdSence then there should be 12 above posts. You can made your blog at , , . The postes of your blog must be written from you and there should be long written posts.'

9. Website or blog contains true info about you and your blog. And if you are trying Google AdSence with website then you may have a FAQ page { frequently ask question } I read this when I was trying for Google AdSence and get rejected from there.

DOES GOOGLE ADSENCE PROVIDE US MONEY FOR FREE !                                                 OR


Many of you may be thing that from where does the Google AdSence provide us money for just clicking on some of the ads on our website. The GOOGLE.COM is a very big website, I think that 95 % of people in this world has as their homepage. This GOOGLE.COM has also a programme " GOOGLE ADWARD " , Google earns a lot of money from the GOOGLE ADWARD , this Google AdWard is a programme in which we can advertise our website to increase the traffic of our website. Google AdWard programme gives the ads to Google AdSence to publish the ads on our website. When we publish the ads and the visitors click on the ads of our website then this will Google to compleate their coustmer needs and this gives the revenue to the Google. So Google gives some x% of their earning to the publisher of the Google AdS.

Now I am explaining it in berief, Let the person who sign up for  Google AdWard be 'W'
The Google be 'G'
The AdSence person website be 'A'
The Visitor be V

Now W has sign up for Google AdWard and payed $500 for advertising the website.

Now G will publish the ad of W on A.

Now V will come and click on W ads on A, by this the Google Work will compleate and he will share some revenue of the advitiser with you.
Now I think that you have been understand that what made us to earn money from AdSence Programme.


The Google AdSence has not any fixed exactly how much money will you get for per click on an ad of your website. The money you will get for a click on an ad of your website depends on the type of ad, Different types of ads has different types of money fixed on it. The pay depends that how much the advertiser has payed to the GOOGLE  if they pay much amount of money to the GOOGLE then we will much comision from the ads. So it can not toled that how much can you earn from the Google AdSence for a click.

I have heard somewhere that the amount that the publisher get from one click on ad is between $0.5 to $15. Here is an example that will make you understand that how much you can earn - If you have earn $ 10 from 6 clicks on your website thay your earning will be 10/6 = $1.66...  So you have earned $1.66 for a click. Earning from Google AdSence also depends that how much is the traffic of your website, traffic means how much visitors visit your website or blog per day. If your website has a large number of traffic then you will earn much amount of money.  You will also read that how to increase the traffic of your website or blog here in my other posts of this blog.

If you had not selected your website topic and want to earn money from your website or blog, then I am advicing select your topic from the contents given here - any amazing free topic , employment, making money, sports, PC games, sex, songs, movies, horror stories, making free website. etc. These are the topic which are most searched on the Google or anywhere and you han have a large number of traffic per day, so this will also let the increasing to your earning from your website or blog. So select the topic in which people are most intrested.

You can also promote or increase the traffic of your website or blog at social networking websites like - Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, Linked iN, Flicker, MySpace .etc. When you will do this way then the visitors of your website or blog will increase automatically and you can have a large amount of earning through the Google AdSence.


Yes, froends it is a nice question that ' from where the Google Ads come? ' The Google ads come from the advertising programme of Google Adward. This programme is for those who want to advertise their website for increasing the traffic of their website or to increase their clints online which will led to their earning. 


You can withdraw your earned money from Google AdSence when you have compleated your $100. After compleating your $100 you can with draw it by many methods, that all methods will be given in your Google AdSence accouny when you want to withdraw your money. If you want to withdraw your money then you can do it or if you don't want to withdraw then you can keep as it is and you can increase the earning. Here is a very important note for you.

[NOTE:- if you have crossed more than $400 , then you have to pay some % of TAX. ]

So if you don't wana pay the tax then you can withdraw it before compleating your $400. The TAX is applied because $400 is a very much big amount of money. In Indian currency it will be Rs.19200, It will be 500 euro and  £342.81 pounds. So it's a big amount of money on which TAX is applied.


The Importance of page of your website or blog is very much important in Google AdSence programme. To be get selected your website or blog in Google AdSence there should be more than 12 pages on your website and more that 12 posts on your blog.
[ NOTE :- Don't create a website having a page "about me!"]

If you want to be get selected for Google AdSence then Don't create a website which has a page named "About Me!" because the Google can not display any type of ads on it. The About Me page only contains the contents about you and the Google Does not have any ads that is about you. So Google AdSence will not select your website. So don't create page "about me" on your website or on blog.


You can join the "Google AdSence" at if you will visit here and sign up with your website then it will give you an email on your email id only with in a day. That email contains a message that is about your seleceting in Google AdSence or not. If your website has been selected in Google AdSence then you can login easily in Google AdSence programme and start earning money. And if your website has not been selected for Google AdSence then it will tell you why your website or blog has not been selected for Google AdSence. There are many ways because of it your website or blog get unselected from the Google AdSence. I have listed all those ways above, So protect your website by following the ways I have listed above and get selected for Google AdSence. 

So Join Google AdSence and start earning money From now ...

Amit Upadyay

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