Thursday 14 April 2011

Make Money Online

Welcome to my 'MAKE MONEY ONLINE' . 

If you want to make money on-line then this page is only for you, and don't think yourself alone ever I am with you. I will help you at your every step of your earning money on-line.This page provides many information about earning money through several ways on internet. Many ways are told here which tell us about earning money online. So read and enjoy it.


Earning money is liked by everyone. Because of its importance and value. Everybody wants to earn money easily. But the problem is that from where does they earn money  easyly. There are several ways to earn money but nothing is easy to achive so earning money is also not easy to do. Earning money requires to some kind of talent and to achive that tallet we have to do a hard work. Many people think that earning money from internet is very easy but is not a easy task. I think earning money online is one the most hard way of earning. I would like to advise the readers that if you don't want to do hard work and earn money online then  this place is not for you. It's 100% true that lazy people who don't want to do some hard work can't earn money online. And i have watched many people who become blind with there perfect eyes to earn money online so they sign up for any fake website to earn money .


 There are many fake website who provide fake information about earning money online i have watched a website that is - this website provide a kind of service in which they send many up e-Mail within a day and the work we have to do is to click on the paid e-Mails and after clicking on those e-Mail's a new website gets open and in this way they only give us Rupee 0.25 only and when we came to compleate our target to achave Rupees 500 to withdraw that money then they deleate our account from there website. These fake website told their coustmers that they give you almost their 60% earning but this all thing is lie. The also upload some fake snaps of chaques of withdrawing to attract many coustmers for singing up on there website. So my  advice is that never do such sign up on fake website. So it is necessary to understand the difference beteen real and  fake, not only this website is fake there are also many website who are fake and cheat their coustmers. Neming all of them is very difficult. Some of the website ask for some money to be send in their bank account to register a persons money making account on their website. If you have sumbitted your valueble money to them once, then they will forget you forever. So in this case your money have gone waste and you have lost your valueable time.

 Now the question that arise in your mind is that how can we earn money from internet. Don't worry this place is free and safe for you and here you'll get all information for earning money online. There are many ways to earn money online but the main peoblem is how to know which is real and which is fake. If you are new on internet, don't know much about internet  and wanting to earn money online then. Then use your mind and be attentive to everything only beleave on such thing that has quality and provids a normal offer not follow such website that give us unexceptable offers more than your thoughts.

Here are some ways to earn money. So proceed yourself by reading this article...

Ways to earn from websites.

Here are a lot of ways to earn money from the websites. By publishing some ads on their website or by advertising our own website on others website.

ADS publishing or advertising


Publishers is a type of incoming of money by publishing the ads on our website. There are several websites which provides such kind of services on their websites. I have listed such many websites which provides such kind of services on their websites. They first allow us to sign up on their websites and then they give us the ad code for pasting in our websites. The website editor must have HTML editor so that you can paste the ad code on your website, the ad code is provided in HTML form, and if the website don't have HTML editor then you will not be able to paste ads on your website and earn money. So its necessary to do a paid hosting of your websites that requires money. There are many websites that provides free hosting to your website but does not provide us a good facilities and HTML editor. One such example of such website is
This website provides free hosting as well as paid hosting. In its free hosting there is not any kind of HTML editor so here you will unable to paste ad code on your website and earn money from your website. So ots very much necessary to select your hosting service. To read more about selecting the hosting service you can visit here.

Now here are some websites that provides us income through our website, when we publish their ads on our websites.

Website NameWebsite URL

Know More...

Google AdSence more...
Click Sor http://www.clicksor.com
Yahoo! Publisher Network More...


Advertising programme is also a type of earning revenue to our websites, It is just opposite to the publishing ads on our websites. In advertising we submit our websites to the other website as an add of that website. And by this we increase our customers and as we get more clicks on our websites then it also increase our revenue. This is also a type of earning money from our websites. This programme can be found where you find the publishing ads programmes, The website for publishing programmes are given above. You can find the advertising programme there also because both are the same programmes, the difference is only that in publishing programme we publish ads on our website and in the advertising programme we give out website to other website to publish our website to increase our customers or to increase our revenue.

To take part in advertising programme from your website you can visit all these links that has been listed below :- 

[these links are also listed above]

Website Name
Website URL

Know More...

Google Adward
Click Sor
Yahoo! Publisher Network

Here is a note on how to double your adsence income instantly please read it and apply it with your self:-

1. If you are writing a web content then match your website content with the ad of your website and paste the HTML code by putting that place blank.

2. Place the ads at the top of your website so that it would attract many people and people will click on the ads of your website and this will let to the increase of your revenue from your ads.

3. It also matter that where do you place your ads of your website so always place the ads at the starting of your article or you can put the ad cods at the middle of your web content where you have not completed your web content.

4. Paste as much as ad code on your website, this will increase the number of clicks of your website ads.

5. Follow all these steps that I have listed above and earn a lot of money from you publishing ads programme.

[NOTE:- This type of earning can only be done when you are having a website.]

 Now I think I am clear to you for making money on-line from ads publishing or advertising.

Affiliate Programme's

This programme is also a type of earning money from our website. This programme needs a website, In this we can earn a lot of money or a small amount of money. Internet -based marketing which is also known as affiliate marketing in which each costumer is rewarded  the one or more affiliates by the business this is a crowd sourcing application which help the website owner to earn a lot of revenue. In details it is a form of on-line marketing which can only be done with a website to drive the traffic to another website. Understanding The Affiliate marketing is very much complicated to understand but you will get it if you will try it for your website. In the affilatr programme one website make their visitors to select the product of other website, so from this the website owner who sell their goods give some % of their earning to the website who make the people to buy it.

To read much about the AFFILIATE PROGRAMMES please visit here -   OR    click here...
  1. To sign up for a affiliate programme for your website visit these links :-   - This is the link of which provides a affiliate service


Sell Your Blog.

Selling a blog is also a of a best type of earning a lot of money. If you have a blog and you have written a lot of contents on your blog then you can sell your blog here. This is a fantastic thing and can give you a lot of money. I am advising you that if you have a blog that is earning money and is a successful blog then don't sell your blog, only sell your if you are unable to earn money from your blog. My dear visitor please note that there are a lot of requirements to sell your blog. A blog buyer will only buy the blog if you have written a lot of contents on your website, and don't copy anything on your blog. I have seen many people who are very lazy and they don't want to write much things on their blog, they do a thing that thing is they copy and paste many contents on their website from other websites. So never do such things because when you will do such things then you will not be able to sell your blog or you can not be selected in any programme that gives you money from your website. If you are selling a blog and you can not written that blog from your own then you will not be able to sell your blog. 

Here are many requirements to sell your blog.
  • More than 25 posts on your blog.
  • Original content must be there on your blog.
  • You can not copy your blog content from any website or from any place
  • No contents like hacking or adult contents.
  • The traffic of your blog should be more than 10 hits per day.
  • More blogs are taken from the or


Want to sell your own product

There are types of produchs that you can sell.

1. HARD goods
2. E- goods

Here is a berief difference between the HARD goods and E- goods .

Selling HARD goods Selling our own E- goods
Selling A Hard good can not be transfered through email or downloaded it can only be transported by some mean. Anyway This is a great way to earn a lot of money by selling our own HARD goods. But this method is also some more difficult the selling our own E- Goods. In selling our own HARd goods we get headache because we have to keep the recod of the market price, custmer service, collecting orders, payments through (credit cards) and a lot of things. Here PAYPAL can make your work some what more easy, but over all its a lot for selling HARD goods. But its a very much nice idea to earn a lot of money by selling your HARD goods. Selling our own E- goods is an easy task in the comparision of selling our own HARD goods. In this we don'thave to keep any kind of record of anything. This can simply be uploaded, or teansfered through an email. It is an easy way to earn money but is does not give much amount of money as selling our own HARD good give. It is a type of book or anykind of software that can used to earn money This can be made or edited in The proffesional PDF. S you can also do it by your self and earn a lot of money on your website. Over all it is an easy task to earn a lot of money just by simply wrighting some unique contents. So it's an very much easy task. Try it your self and start earning money.

Other Ways To Earn Money On-line:-

Make money from playing games online...

Make money on-line by playing games is a very interesting thing that is time pass for people with earning of a lot of money. There are many websites that provide such kind if service, One such example is This website is a website in which we have to register and start playing games. When we will start playing games and win in that game then the website will give a lot of money for playing the games, In this website we can play 'RUMMY' game with our friends, family members and thousand of players in India. Don't think that playing this game is very much easy, Playing the game is not enough, we have to win the game which we are playing. To get admit to play this game you have to register on this link - OR click here to register  to play this game. This website is free for registering to play games on it. So enjoy this website by playing games on-line. My dear visitors this is a way to earn money but it is not 100% sure that you will get the money. Anyway try it anything can happen you can become a milliner in a few days or anything can happen after all no body knows the future. 

Get Money by giving exams on-line:-

My dear visitors if you are an student and want to earn money, then you should read this article. Here is a website this website is a website made for the students of the classes VI to XII who are studying the CBSE pattern syllabus. This website can be joined by every student you can join website on this link - or click here...
After joining this website you have to log in the website and start your test. Click to log in
There will be 96 questions that will be asked from you and you have to answer these all question in only 60 min. There are 5 very big prices that prices are :-

  • The first winner will get - A special price of 1 lakhs.
  • The second winner will get -  A price of 80 thousands.
  • The third winner will get - A price of 60 thousands.
  • The fourth winner will get - A price of 40 thousands.
  • The fifth winner will get - A price of 20 thousands.

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