Wednesday 6 April 2011

Writing Web Content

Writing web content is most difficult part of making a sucessful website or blog to earn money from your website or blog. You can make two types of website the first is making your own website in which you will write the content about you of anyone or to add any thing, and the second is different from the first, when you are selecting the second one then you have to provide a kind of service on your website. The survice that you want to provide can be anything and this would be like by the visitors of your website. This can give you some income, to know how to make income from this method you can read the post of my blog here.  

If you want to make money from your website then you have to write web content on your website or blog, This writing of web content can be written by selecting a perticular topic on which you know a lot and you can wright a lot of things on your website that your visitors like very much. While writing web content don't focus on what you want or what is your intrest, only focus on what your visitor wants very much. When you are writing anything on your website then this will directly impact on the visitors of your website. So write only posotive things that is liked by the visitors of your website or blog, if you don't want to lose the visitors of your website or blog. 

It is not necessary that the visitors of your website will read everything from your website. I have seen many visitors who read only the top few lines and bottom few lines of your website or blog, I am telling you this because I have a great experience of being a visitor before I have started making by blogs or websites. So I am advicing you, the web content that you are going to write sholud be more expressful and and understandable at the starting and at the bottom few lines to all the visitors, so that you could not loose the visitors of your website. [ NOTE :- I AM NOT TELLING YOU THAT YOU CAN WRITE ANYTHING AT THE MIDDLE OF YOUR POST, I MEAN THAT YOU SHOUD WRITE THE STARTING AND THE BOTTOM LINES MORE EXPRESSING, UNDERSTANDABLETO YOUR VISITORS AND USING PRESENT TENSE] If you want to increase the visitors of your website than you have to whatch your website or blog as the eye of an visitor of your website and guess how is my website! and how can i do my website or blog more better that before. It all depends on that what do write and how do you express your writing content.

My Dear friends please note that the visitors of your website does not care about you and your intrests, they only want that what you have done for them, what you are doing for them and what you can do for them. So write everything that will be liked by your visitors of your website or a blog. And I also want to sugest you always try to write posotive contents on your wesite, so that your visitors will remain happy and always visit your website. Here is a long connection between the web contents of your website and earning monay from your website. For Example -  When we will write intresting web content on our website, Then it will increase the visitors of your website and as the visitors of your website will increase this will increase your income. So taking everything in mind we get that for earning money, writing good web content is very much necessary.

One thing is very much important of writing web content that is writing headlines or top of your page. The headline makes an impact on the visitors of your website. So to make a good impression on your website visitors you have to write effective headline of your website or blog. I have provided a lot of information about wirting web content above, Here is a website that is  ' ' This website has a lot of articles on his website and you can select your topic from this website. But you can not copy the whole article from this website, if you are lazy and not intrested in writing or you can't devlop you own ideas, Then you can just copy a few lines from this website, you can't copy the whole article from this website you have to write almost 90% of your webcontent from your self. And as we know that this '' is a very famous website then there were many lazy peoples who have copyed the article already. So my sugestion is that it will be better for you to write your own article with your self. Now please read below I have written some important tips that will also help you to write effective words on your website and increase the visitors of your website:-


1. Use plain words that can be understandable by every visitors of your website.

2. Use such words which make the visitors more attentive to read the articles of your website like - strong, invention, awesome, best, much powerful, dangerous etc.

3. Try to write almost every content of your website in present tnese.

4. Use 'free' words in the article because most people like free things and they are also much intrested in free things.

5. Write mostly posotive things as much as posible.

6. Write the words properly, using the capslock at propper place only, other wise the contrnts written by you will look unprofestional.

7. While writing web content mention the benifits for the visitors of your website because most people likes their benifits.

8.  Never mention only about you if you are mentioning some thing about you then you also have to mention something about the visitor of your website so that he also remain happy, For example - I am earning a lot on internet, you can also do it just read all things on my website carefully.

9. Try to give challanges to the visitors of your website and also give the asnwer to those challanges on your website or blog. So that the visitors have some intrest on your website.

10. Write the headlines more effective and properly and also hilight the headlines of your website or blog.

11. Never make such information website that gives informatio on almost everything.

12. Always try to encourage or write good things about the visitors of your website. For example - You can also do this thing just read my blog - 

By doing you can encourage the visitors of your website to read your articles and to visit your website. I hope this article have helped you.


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