Tuesday 5 April 2011

HTML tags

An HTML documents consists of text and special instructions called tags. HTML tahs tell the web browser about the structure of  web page. Each HTML tags has it's special quality which makes the webpage more attractive and beautiful. HTML tags are the most important things to make a HTML page or to design a webpage or any website. All tags are written in such < (brackets)  >. Without it any HTML tags can not be displayed it is necessary to write such < (brackets)  > To display HTML tags. As we know that how necessary is an HTML, so the HTML tags are also very important to make a web page or to create and website. Every comands is given through HTML tags.

These all tags can only be dislayed properly only if you will wright all these tags in the BODY tag of HTML.

Now the tags starts from here:-


These tags are needed to create any HTML page.

<html>    end with </html>  -       [NOTE :-this article will always written at the starting of your notepad or it will end at the end of the editing ]
<head> end with </head>
<title> end with </title>
<body> end with </body>


1. <b> text </b> - This is used to make your written words Bold.

2. <p> text </p> - This is used to start a new paragragraoh

3. <u> text</u> - Used to underline the text.

4. <i> text </i> - Used to make the text italics.

5. <br> text </br> - Line Break

6. <font size="3"> Change font size - The font size are only avilable between 1-7

7. <font face="Arial"> - Used to changing font face

8. <font color="red"> Used to change text color
[NOTE :- no. 6,7,8 will end with </font>

9. <p align="left"> use </p> for the closing tag -  Left aligning text

10. <p align="right"> use</p> to close  the tag - Right aligning text

11. <center>  Closing tag is </center> - Centering text

12. <blink>  </blink> - Bliking words

13. <marquee> </marquee> - Scrolling Text or moving text

14. <a href="http://www.moneyau.blogspot.com">Amit Upadhyay Website</a> - For Creating Hyperlinks tag

15. <a href="mailto:yourname@youremailprovider.com">Email Me</a> - creating email hyperlink

16.  <img src="www.anywebsite.com/store/yourimage.jpg"> - Inserting a image.

17.  <table border="2">
<tr><td>Amit</td>  <td>kumar</td>  <td>upadhyay</td> </tr>
<tr><td>create</td>  <td>your</td>  <td>column</td> </tr>
</table>  - For creating a table.

18. <body bgcolor="red" > - Inserting background colour

19. <body background="imageaddress/anyimage.jpg"> 

20. <area /> - Defines an area inside an image-map

21. <cite>  -   Defines a citatio

22. <blockquote> text  </blockquote> - indented text

23. <ul>
<li> Amit Upadhyay </li> - For creating bullet -  This will display bullet before the Amit Upadhyay

24. <hr width="250"> - Want to insert a line into your page.

25. <pre> - Preformatted text - everything in the HTML editor will be mantioned for ex- space, blank lines.etc. End with </pre>

26. &nbps - Space

27. &amp; - & - Ampersand
28. &copy; - © - Copyright
29. <sup> - Superscriptd

30. <sub> </sub> - Subscripts - To write any number just at the side and small below that number.

31. <big> - To write Big rext

32. <small> - To write Small text

33. <ol> </ol> - Displays the informations number line

34. <h1> </h1>   -   Heading 1

35. <h2> </h2> - Heading  2

36. <h3> </h3> - Heading 3

37. <h4> </h4> - Heading 4

38. <h5> </h5> - Heading 5

39. <h6> </h6> - Heading 6

40. <h7> </h7> - Heading 7

41. <ul type = square> <li> </ul> - Square bullet

42. <a href = "sound/songname.mp3">  - Inserting sound. - extention name can be - .mp3, .mid, .ra, .wav only.

Here is some berief history sound 
Type of sound        Extention             Used for
MIDI                               .mid                      Instrumental music
MPEG                             .mp3                     Songs
Read audio                   .ra                         Live broadcaste
WAVE                              .wav                     Short sound clips

43. <embed src = "location of the sound.avi " width = anything for ex - 250 height = 200 Autostart true LOOP = true >   - To insert a vedio.
The extention file name - .avi, .mpg, .mov

44. <input TYPE="checkbox" NAME="amit_upadhyay" VALUE="Yes" checked>  - To create a check box - The name can be anything.

45. <textarea NAME="comments" ROWS="20" COLS="50" wrap="virtual">
Thanks for visiting moneyau.blogspot.com  { the comment can be anything that you want}
</textarea>                      -                  To create a commentable box

46. <input TYPE="radio" NAME="Amitupadhyay" VALUE="15-16" checked>15-16 - Here you can insert anything that you want. - To create a radio bullet.

47. <select NAME="Amit upadhyay websites">
<option VALUE="moneyau.blogspot.com">moneyau.blogspot.com
<option VALUE="amitkumarupadhyay.com">amitkumarupadhyay.com
</select> - To create Drop Down Menus                         -   Here the name can be anything. I have just shown you an example.

48. &iexcl; - ¡ - exclamation mark

49. <a href="http://www.moneyau.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">Visit to make money online</a> - Make hyper link to be open in new tab 

50. <body leftmargin = "anynumber"> - To leave blank area in your webpage. The number can be anynumber for ex - 45/ The numbers are in PIXELS. To live an area of 1 inch, you have to write 72. Because 72pixles makes 1 inch.

51. <body topmargin = "anynumber" > For example you can write 80 at place of "anynumber"

52. <sup> </sup> - Superscript - To write any number at the up side of that number, or as the power of that number.

If you want to make your own HTML webpage using lot all this HTML tags then you can use these websites :-

  •  Blogger.com
  •  Wordpress.com
  •  Tumblr.com
  •  Wordpress.org

These are the places where you can make your blog, using HTML tags. This place will also provide you a domain name. For Example - www.yourname.blogspot.com , www.yourname.wordpress.com, www.yourname.tumblr.com etc. Here you can make your own webpage with the help of HTML.

And of you want to make your own paid website or free website then you can visit on another blog of my blog, I hope this post of my blog must have healped you.

Amit Upadhyay

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