Monday 11 April 2011

Basic HTML learning

Basic HTML learning for earning money online from your website.

HTML stands for 'HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE'. Hyper Text Markup Language is a text formating language used to devlop web pages or websites.Through HTML we can create and design websites containing text, images, sounds, vedios, Hyperlinks etc. Web pages are Hyper Text documents - that is documents to be deplayed on the internet. HTML formats the documents as a hypertext documents which is then intrupted by web browsers. The hyper text commands display the propper formatted web page on the screen. HTML also allow us to create hyperlinks - links which connects connect different of the same documents or different pages of different documents on the same or different networks. All these you will learn here with the written aritcles by Amit Upadhyay on the HTML.

The best way to learn HTML is to create a web site and explore the capablities of HTML in the process of creation. First decide a topic for your website. You can make a website on any topic in which you know the best and you can provide information to the other people who are visiting to your website. To seclect a website topic and to know about making a website you can visit here.

To begin with a plan the payout of the home page ( the introduction page of your woe page ) - what should be the headings, what should be the sub-headings, what colour and font we like to use, etc. The home page scould contain the topic, sime basic information and links to other pages.

In order to create an HTML documents or hyper text dociments, we need to type the text in any word editor or word processor and then put in HTML tags for document formating and to specify Hyperlinks. Let us use microsoft wordpad to create our document of hyper text markup language {HTML}.

1. Type the text of the webpage in wordpad. Do not format the text. The formating will be done by the HTML tags.

2. Save the document under any name with extention 'html' or 'htm'. In the save as box, in the save as type window, click on text dociment as the file type. A dialog box starting that ' All formating will be removed' will appear. Click on yes to save the file.

[NOTE: I think many of you wants to know that what is HTML tags and what are the cooding of the tags. To know about HTML tags visit here.]

You have typed the textof the webpage in the MS wordpad. Once the text has been written down in the MS woedpad, we need to identify it as an HTML document. To identify the doument as an HTML document, type <HTML> at the begning of the text and </HTML> at the end of the text. Although the web browser can display the text without the HTML tags but it is more appropriate to include the HTML tags in the HTML document. The HTML tag does not affect the appearance of the webpage. An HTML documents consists of :-

HTML element

HEAD element

TITLE element

BODY element

          in this BODY element everything is included. Everything is written in this BODY element which is to be displayed in the web pages. Even all the tags of the HTML is also included in this. You will get all information in this website about HTML.



Now the simple webpage is ready with all this element. But this is not enough at all. Here are many things that you will need to learn ful about HTML for making a website to earn money.

Here is an example of making a simple website with HTML language.

            [ - TITLE could be anything that you want.]
<BODY> Welcome to my website, THANKS.                                              

[ - in BODT TAG you can write anything that you want, you can also insert tags to make your page more beautiful.]   To get HTML tags visit here - OR click here


That's a simple HTML for making a very simple website. To learn more read below.:-

You can just download many free HTML templates on the link below.
Click Here

To learn ful HTML you can visit to the website of . This website is a very nice website which provides all information about all language of making a successful website to earn a lot of money.

Visit here to learn HTML :-
Click Here

Wana give HTML quiz visit here -
                        OR click here

Now I will make you learn the basic and simple HTML that is very much helpful for you make your beautiful and successful website. So please read this very much carefully.


If you want to make columns in you webpage then there are some of the specific code that you have to write in you HTML editor or if you want to make such columns at the webpage of your computer than you can write the HTML codes in the notepad of your computer or any word pad editor. Noe the code for making a columns are given below:-

Here two tags are very much important that you will always need to know.
1st - <tr> - This tag represents the a row for your column table.
2nd - <td> This tag distinguish a row in many parts. The more you write <td> the more ot will be divided.


<tr>   <td>welcome</td> <td>to</td> <td></td>   </tr>
<tr>   <td>know everything</td> <td>to earn</td> <td>money.</td>   </tr>

Then this will be displayed like this:-

welcome to
know everything to earn money.

This was a example of making a simple columns. It is not very much attractive so to make a attractive column you can write the different coding for the columns that are given below:-

Second method to make an column.

<table border="2">
<tr><td>Welcome</td>  <td>to</td>  <td></td> </tr>
<tr><td>made</td>  <td>by</td>  <td>Amit Upadhyay</td> </tr>

This will be displayed like this - 

Welcome To
made by Amit Upadhyay

Now creating a colour full column :-

If you want to make a column of red bored then this will be like this

Code -

<table border="2" bordercolor="red">
<tr><td>Welcome</td>  <td>To</td>  <td></td> </tr>
<tr><td>Made</td>  <td>By</td>  <td>Amit Upadhyay</td> </tr>

It will be displayed like -

Welcome To
Made By Amit Upadhyay

Creating HYPER LINK -

Here is a short note on hyper link - Hyper links are really mean hidden web address in which we can make a text to be clicked and a link will be open after clicking on the text. Hyperlinks are very much important or very much helpful to people who want to display an web address shortly. So learn here that how to create a hyper link. There is a code to make a hyper link the code is :-

<a href="">Name you want</a> 

This will be displayed like this 

Name you want              - [ NOTE :- this is not any webaddress this is only or explain you.]

For exampe - <a href="">Amit Upadhyay Website</a>
 The URL should be in the "" Comas.

URL is also an known as web site address. The full form of URL is Uniform resource locator.

This will be displayed like this :-

Amit Upadhyay Website

Creating A Hyper link to be open in new web browser :- 

It's use - It is very much usefull for the website maker. If the website maker does not want to disturb the page and also want to open a link then this is for such web page creators. In this a tag allow allow you to this "target".

<a href="" target="_blank">Visit to make money online</a> - Make hyper link to be open in new tab 


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