Wednesday 13 April 2011

Start Making Money

Welcome to start making money.

Now till you have read much articles about earning money on my blog now you get ready to start earning if you are intrested. Here I have provided step to step ways from starting to end to start earning a lot of money from you website or blog. To start earning money on this page you have to read the other article of my blog which give us the informations on 'The ways to earn a lot of money', and be patient everything can be done by humans, nothing is imposible to us. At first I was also very much intrested in earning money on internet, when I started to earn money from my blogs then everytime I get unsucessful for earning, I don't get selected in any adsence programme for this I have tryed many times but everytime I rejected from the adsence programmes. But I was who loves to learn anything and never stop my self by doing some mistake, I always try to learn from my mistakes. So one day I get susceed, and forget all the back mistakes that I have done. I remember that to make by blog selected in free google adsence programme I have tryed more that15 times and every time i have been rejected due to many ways because i was unknown from the policies that will make my blog to be get selected in Google AdSence programme. So I have provided all informations to earn a lot of money from the internet or how be get selected in many programmes that icreases the income. I get intrested in september 2009 for earning money on Internet and it took more that 1 year to get understand and learn the ways to earn money and after that i get started to earn money. I have many ways to make money on Internet that i have colected from many other sources or websites that tell us the ways to earn money and want to help others by providing the informations on earning money, so that the people who want to earn money does not find any difficulties for earning money. That's why I have collected different informations for earning money on Internet from many books or website that has healped my to get started to earn money and written everything in simple language that can be understandable by all the peoples and they doesn't found any difficulties to earn money.

Now Proceed your self here.

Select your topic 

Select a topic on which you know the best and you can write a lot of things on your website and that should be like by the readers. Choosing a tipoc is very much necessary because with it you can not start earning through several programmes. And while choosing a perticular topic keep it in mind that you din't have to create a website or blog that contain's all information about everything, brcause this will make your website and some what week also. By choosing a perticular topic on which you know the best is very much helpful to you and your website or blog.

The First way to get started is making a website or choosing a web hosting service.

Here are many websites that provides free hosting service and many who provides paid hosting service. It depends on you which service do you want. I can suggest you that if you are new to make a website or blog then please select a free hosting service. For more information on this topic you can read another post of my blog here
OR Click here

Writing Web content.

Writing web content is very much difficult as well as very much difficult also. For writing web content don't make a website containg information about everything, you must select a single topic on which you know a lot and on which you can write a lot of things. I have written a post in which you will read everything about writing web content. Please click here or visit here - or click here

Designing Your website.

 Designing a web page is very much important to attract the visitors of your website towords your website or blog. It's also very much important part of making your website, while designing your website perfectly you have to do a lot of things. Any way I have provided a lot of information about designing your website in this blog. Please visit here Or click here

Protecting the web content.

Protecting your web content is very much important, if you have your self website and you have wirtten much articles with yourself then you also have to protect your web content. May be many of you don't know that there are many lazy people who copy the contents from other website and paste is on there own website to earn money from their website, So protecting the contents of your website is very much important. Read more Here - Or click here

Learning web languages.

Learning web languages is very much important for making a website, to designing your website, for writing web contents. etc.
one such languages for creating a sucessful and beautiful website is HTML and CSS. 

HTML learning

HTML stands for 'HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE'. Hyper Text Markup Language is a text formating language used to devlop web pages or websites.Through HTML we can create and design websites containing text, images, sounds, vedios, Hyperlinks etc. Web pages are Hyper Text documents - that is documents to be deplayed on the internet. To read more Visit here - or click here

CSS learning

Learning CSS is very much important to make a beautiful website. It may took time to be get expert for learning CSS but you can do it, CSS learning is not very much difficult, it is just like HTML. If you know the basic of HTML then you can learn the CSS.  Read more - Or click here


There are many publishing programme that gove us a lot of earning by publishing ads on our websites or blog. I have provided imformations on the publishing ads in my other post 'ways to earn money' please visit here or Click Here to read about the publishing ads programmes. This will help you a lot for earning a lot of money.

Some programmes - 

Google AdSence
Click sor

Read more


 Increasing traffic is very much important to earn much amout of money as you have already read the other posts of my blog that contains the information about the ways to earn money. All ways to earn money can only be done if the traffic of your website is very much. If the traffic of your website is very much then you will earn a lot of money from your website. Here I have provided many ways and tios that will increase the traffic of your website or blog. Read more

Now dear freinds you have to apply many several ways of earning money on your website or blog. To read about the ways to earn money online you have to visit here

Now you can start making money. All the best.

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